>for you to notice – dashboard confessional

>I’m starting to fashion an idea in my head

where I would impress you

with every single word I said.

Would come out insightful, or brave, or smooth, or charming

and you’d want to call me..

And I would be there every time

you’d need me

I’d be there every time…

But for now I’ll look so longingly


For you to want me, for you need me, for you to notice me

I’m starting to fashion an idea in my head

where I would impress you

with every single word I said.

Would come out insightful, or brave, or smooth, or charming

and you’d want to call me..

And I would be there every time

you’d need me

I’d be there every time…

I’m starting to fashion an idea in my head

where I would impress you

with every single word I said.

Would come out insightful, or brave, or smooth, or charming

and you’d want to call me..

And I would be there every time

you’d need me

I’d be there every time…

But for now I’ll look so longingly


For you to want me, for you need me, for you to notice me

>david hewson

>i “met” this guy while reading an article in the washington post. he made this novel about a serial killer whose pattern of killing is after those of martyrs of the catholic church. now ain’t that a great premise?

i checked his site and i was wowed. he is a great writer! his style reminded me right away of that of dan brown’s and guess what, he pre-dated brown! brown is cashing in using hewson’s ideas. hmp! typical. this is the reason why i was never into reading commercially successful authors. i prefer the classics.

but anyway, back to hewson, he wrote several books that caught my fancy. lucifer’s shadow, a season of the dead, and the villa of mysteries are now in my wish list. i bet i can buy them online, say like amazon, and get them cheaper if i buy in bundles. maybe even free shipping.

also check out hewson’s blog. me adding him in my links.

>hannibal the cannibal is back!

>oh my freaking god, hannibal lecter is back! am listening to the radio right now, and they have this news bit about thomas harris writing a fourth novel to the hannibal series! it’s presently under the title behind the mask.

wait, lemme do a search, there has got to be something out there about this…

hmmm… there’s not much out there. no mention of it in the author’s site. there is a hint of clue in a washinton post article though (i like the line in the article about cheering on lecter when he sauteed the fbi agent’s brain and fed it to him, haha!). an article in the nytimes site suggests the same – having hannibal so open-ended that it screams a fourth installment. there’s a picture of harris there. he looks like santa claus. creepy.